The name of Lange Voorhout avenue derives from the fact that it was an offshoot from the Haagse Bos (The Hague forest). This stately, broad strolling avenue is surrounded by rows of impressive lime trees and is a true example of beauty and serenity. The famous “Unter den Linden” boulevard in Berlin was inspired upon this avenue. The avenue is flanked by monumental buildings, amongst which are a palace that is now used as a museum, as well as a theater and an artist association named Pulchri. And of course, last but not least the iconic Hotel Des Indes.

In spring the cheerfully colored crocuses and the shiny green leaves provide a color explosion and in the fall the golden yellow autumn gown of the lime trees gives the whole area a magical aura.
Where in days of yore the wealthy folk of The Hague sauntered down the middle of the avenue, nowadays contemporary city dwellers and day-trippers walk along the crisp path of broken shells. This mixture of broken shells and sand was necessary to keep the horse-drawn carriages from being bogged down in the muddy sand during rainfalls.
All year round several events are organized on these center walkways, ranging from a carnival fair on the King’s Birthday to exhibitions of statues and sand sculptures. From the middle of May till September you can find an antiques and book market here twice a week, and in winter a cozy Christmas market is organized. The street lanterns that were renewed in 2009, have adjustable LED lights in them which can highlight art objects during any of the summer festivals. The golden crowns on the lanterns are a reference to the route that the Golden Carriage follows on Prinsjesdag (Prince’s Day).

You can also admire the literary celebrity Louis Couperus on the Lange Voorhout. Sculptor Kees Verkade made the beautiful sculpture of the author of masterpieces such as Eline Vere. On the natural stone pedestal, you can read the quote: "If I am anything, I am a citizen of The Hague".
In local vernacular the Lange Voorhout was also referred to as the Long Lane of Limes (de Lange Lindelaan). This nickname is also found in the Dutch nursery rhyme ‘Liesje leerde Lotje lopen langs de Lange Lindelaan’. The Lange Voorhout is a magnificent portion of The Hague in any season.

Normally the buildings of parliament, where a country is governed from, are located in the country’s capital. The Netherlands are an exception to that rule. The Hague is the city where history is being written and the future of democracy is determined.

A stay in The Hague is incomplete without visiting the exclusive specialty stores in the many welcoming shopping areas, which are abundantly spread around the Buurtschap 2005 quarter and Hofkwartier (Royal Quarter).

The inner-city of The Hague has many museums and theaters. Lovers of art and culture find more than their money's worth here. In the nearby theaters you have your pick of an extensive selection of music, drama, dance and cabaret shows.